Tube Deck Media

Tube Deck Media

Tube Settler Media is a type of inclined plate settler used in clarifiers and sedimentation tanks for water and wastewater treatment. It is designed to enhance the settling efficiency by providing a large surface area for suspended particles to settle and separate from the water.

Key Features:

  • Inclined Plates: The media consists of closely spaced, inclined plates or tubes that allow for a longer flow path for the water, promoting the settling of solids.
  • High Surface Area: The design maximizes the available surface area for particles to settle, improving the overall efficiency of the settling process.
  • Compact Design: Tube settlers are efficient in terms of space utilization, allowing for higher settling capacity in a smaller footprint compared to traditional settling methods.
  • Easy Installation: The modular design allows for easy installation and retrofitting in existing sedimentation tanks.
  • Reduced Turbulence: The inclined plates create a quiescent zone, reducing turbulence and facilitating the separation of solids from the water.
  • Low Maintenance: Tube settlers generally have low maintenance requirements, and they are easy to clean if needed.


  • Water Treatment Plants: Tube settlers are commonly used in water treatment plants to improve sedimentation and clarification processes.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants: They are also applied in wastewater treatment for the separation of solids from the effluent.
  • Industrial Processes: Tube settlers find applications in various industrial processes where solid-liquid separation is required.


  • Increased Efficiency: Enhances settling efficiency and particle removal.
  • Cost-Effective: Provides a cost-effective solution for improving the performance of sedimentation tanks.
  • Space Savings: Allows for increased capacity without expanding the footprint of the clarifier.
  • Versatility: Can be used in both new installations and retrofitting existing tanks.